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 Yoga for Bigger Bodies Workshop

Learn how to adapt the physical yoga postures to suit your body

Do you feel too big for yoga?

I can understand why, because many of the yoga postures that are popular today were designed with super skinny and flexible people in mind!  

When you look up 'yoga' on the internet, you have to scroll for a very long time before finding anyone doing yoga postures who has a bigger body. 

If you've been brave enough to give a physical yoga practice a try, you may well have found that there's not enough room to breathe let alone move!  No one makes space for your lumps and bumps, so all you can feel is everything getting squashed together.  And the postures that are restful for everyone else are everything BUT relaxing for you!

But this doesn't mean that you CAN'T do yoga with a bigger body.

It just means you need a bit of extra guidance, support and encouragement from someone who is trained in Yoga for All (focused on yoga for bigger bodies) and Accessible Yoga, and has been teaching students with bigger bodies for 5 years!

I'm here to show you how to adapt the yoga postures to suit your body, so you never need to feel too big for yoga again!  I've created this workshop exclusively for people with bigger bodies, so you have a safe and supportive place to explore how to make yoga work for you.


Make yoga postures work for you!

  • NO weight loss talk - we're not here to change YOU we're here to change YOGA to SUIT you!

  • Understand which types of yoga postures are most challenging with a bigger body and what you can do about it!

  • Discover how to adapt yoga asana (postures) to suit you, no matter what your size

  • Learn how to make space for your body in common movements and sequences

  • Play & experiment with lots of different options for yoga asana, to find the ones that suit your body best

  • Join a friendly group of students who ALL have bigger bodies and face similar challenges, so we can laugh and learn together

  • Receive personal support, guidance and encouragement from me in this small group, where you can ask questions and discuss any challenges!

  • Finish the workshop knowing you understand how to adapt yoga to suit your body, and can attend any yoga class with confidence​​​

What will you learn?

In this two hour workshop I'll show you how to adapt some of the yoga postures and sequences that are most challenging for people with bigger bodies.


  1. Take space, make space

Learn this simple method to make space for your body, that you can use in any yoga posture

2. Adapting physical postures - Asana

Learn how to make postures that are typically challenging in a bigger body feel more spacious and comfortable.

3. Adapting sequences - Sun Salutation

Learn how to adapt the most common sequence used in yoga to suit your body.

​4. Playtime and Connection

Have fun trying out all the different options, with time to chat to your fellow students so you can learn from and support each other!

Can't wait to get started?


Frequently Asked Questions

How big is a 'bigger body'?  


If you worry about doing yoga because of your size, and/or struggle with any yoga postures because of your size, then this workshop is for you.  If you have a bigger body but it doesn't cause you any challenges with your yoga practice then you're unlikely to benefit from this workshop (unless you just like the idea of practising yoga with a group of students with bigger bodies!).   


What can I wear?  I don't want to wear tight fitting yoga clothes!


You don't need to wear yoga clothes, as long as you are wearing something comfortable that you can move freely in that's all that matters.  A t-shirt and jogging bottoms is perfectly fine!

Is this workshop suitable for complete beginners?

Yes you are welcome to join us if you have never done yoga before.  The workshop is NOT designed as an introduction to yoga, and you will be amongst students who already practise yoga, but if you want to learn how to adapt yoga to suit your body before you join a beginners course or class this is a great place to start!


Can't wait to get started?

What do my students with bigger bodies say?

"Having tried yoga in the past and believing it wasn’t for me because I wasn’t ‘the right shape’, finding yoga with Anna was a revelation.


Her calm reassuring manner and options to accommodate my curves mean I can achieve positions successfully and always finish a session feeling relaxed and lighter in body and mind."

- Jo Tate 

"What a fabulous experience Anna’s Yoga Classes are! They are exactly as described & suitable for all! I hadn’t done yoga for 30 odd years, was out of shape (I still am but now a work in progress!) & nervous about attending classes. How wrong I was! I’d say just sign up you won’t regret it.

Anna explains everything, gives lots of options & encouragement, no judgement at all. The room is filled with lots of people like me…..& you! I’m now signed up ready for my third term & loving every week." 

- Jo Phelps

"I was a little nervous when I started the course as I’m 64, overweight and have a spinal injury, I didn’t think I would be as proficient compared to the rest of the class, but I completely underestimated my ability. 

Anna’s warm and friendly approach is absolutely fantastic, Anna gives her students praise, reassurance and encouragement with some welcome humour that lightens the mood when we find a pose challenging.

If you think you can’t participate in a Yoga class or feel self conscious or even feel embarrassed, don’t be !

It’s a lovely class that’s non judgmental.

If I can participate in a Yoga class, anyone can, It’s not as difficult as you think.  Give it a go."

- Robert Adomaitis

Sound good?  Come and join us!


How much?

Choose the price that suits your circumstances

Here's what you'll get when you join my Yoga for Bigger Bodies Workshop today:

  • A two hour yoga session - Face to Face or Online

  • A recording of the Online workshop so you can come back to it again as many times as you like!

  • Post-workshop Q&A and group chat (online only)

  • Use of yoga blocks & straps to make positions more comfortable (face to face only)

  • A spacious venue in a central location with free parking (face to face only)

  • Personal support, guidance and encouragement from me

  • A friendly community of yoga students with bigger bodies to share this experience

All this for:

  • £25 - Standard price

  • £30 - Supporter price - give back to your community

  • £20 - Community price - experiencing financial hardship

Community Supported pricing makes my yoga classes more accessible if you're experiencing financial hardship, and enables those with greater financial resources the opportunity to give back to your yoga community.

Click here for more information and guidance on choosing the price that suits your circumstances.

It's decision time!

So what's it to be?

Will you resign yourself to never trying yoga?  Or keep trying to squeeze yourself into the standard yoga postures while struggling to breathe?

Or are you ready to take up all the space you deserve in yoga, and to make the yoga postures work FOR you not AGAINST you?  So you can experience the incredible benefits of yoga no matter what your size! 

Join our workshops on:

  • Thursday 17 October 6-8pm - Online

  • Saturday 19 October 10am-12pm - New School Rooms Radyr - Last few spaces

Spaces are limited to make sure I can give you personal guidance and support, and I won't be running these workshops again for at least 6 months possibly a year!

 So if you'd like to join us save your space today!

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